A great relief An eighty year old retired teacher Ms Saloni murmured-“A great relief”. I was standing near to her to attend a funeral of a close friend. No one will say that Saloni has seen eighty spring seasons. Her bones were not shrinking. Her eyes sockets never got deeper. Eye brows were very prominent. She had a smart walking style. Her eyes, ears and teeth were strong. Her mental. Physical, emotional and financial health appeared to be very sound. Even now she will be seen with her students at home teaching them English and Mathematics. I wanted to know what she meant by “ A great relief ?” She started: - “See this lady Vasuki who expired is also of my age. She has three daughters. Vinitha, Varuni and Viveki. Mother, a widow after her husband’s death brought up these daughters and got them married. All are settled and living with their husbands. Vasuki the mother had her own age related medical problems. Like a football she will be shunted from one daugh...
Showing posts from May, 2021